La Saison Bleue had the privilege of attending a high-level event on the health and resilience of the Mediterranean and Atlantic oceans, held at the Technopole de Bologne as part of the G7 Science and Technology 2024! Fruitful meetings took place, notably with the Minister of Higher Education and Research, Anna Maria Bernini.

Yesterday’s conference was a fantastic opportunity to reaffirm the Mission Ocean’s commitment to « Restoring our oceans and waters by 2030 » in support of ocean and water conservation efforts. It also highlighted the Mediterranean region and the crucial importance of coastal resilience in the face of climate disasters.

This commitment was applauded by numerous G7 policymakers and beyond, towards a global strategy to address oceanic challenges, with the official approval of the Mission Ocean Charter by Italian ministers Anna Maria Bernini and Gilberto Pichetto Fratin!

Our BlueMissionMed project leader, Fedra Francocci, shared the project’s key accomplishments in supporting the goals of Mission Ocean and Water by engaging and assisting stakeholders in the Mediterranean.

Discover the highlights of this high-level event in this article

John Bell Elisabetta Balzi  Pascal Lamy, Pierre Bahurel ,
Sustainable Blue Economy Partnership All-Atlantic Ocean Research and Innovation Alliance PRIMA Program A-AAGORA – Atlantic Arctic Agora Mercator Ocean International

Partenaires présents : Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, FVA New Media Research, Ifremer, HCMR, IEO-CSIC, METU, SDG4MED, MedCities, BUSINESSMED, Ecorys, Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions (CPMR), La Saison Bleue, MedWaves, MedCruise, WWF, WWF Italia, Conseil maltais pour la science et la technologie.

European Commission European Research Executive Agency (REA) CINEA – European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency Mission Ocean

#EUMissions #MissionOcean #mediterranean

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