A look at maritime security in a geostrategic context marked by an increase in international disorder. Maritime security as a major concern in the face of growing threats. Illicit trafficking, drugs and migrant smuggling, illegal fishing. At the same time, geostrategic instability is constantly worsening, raising concerns for the safety of sailors and the smooth flow of maritime traffic in increasingly extensive geographical areas, some of which are strategically important for global maritime trade.

For the past two years, attention has been focused on conflicts in the Black Sea, persistent issues in the Gulf of Guinea, and once again, the Red Sea, the Bab-el-Mandeb Strait, and the Gulf of Aden. In March 2024, at the initiative of the French Navy, African navies and experts gathered in Brest to set up the 2024 edition of the maritime security exercise in the Gulf of Guinea, called Grand African Nemo. This annual exercise, established in 2018, brings together navies from the Gulf of Guinea coastal states and nations invited by France. It was an opportunity to take stock with our guests:

Virginie Saliou, holder of the Seas, Maritimeities, and Maritimeizations Chair at Sciences Po Rennes and a teacher at the Naval School. Captain Emmanuel Bell Bell, head of the Information Management and Communication Division of the Interregional Coordination Center in Yaoundé, Cameroon. Captain Gérard, officer in charge of Grand African Nemo for France.

Source: rfi

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