Will the Mediterranean basin be affected by the heatwave between May and July 2024? This is what the climate trends for the next three months published this Monday by Météo-France seem to indicate, reports Le Parisien.

In this bulletin, the official meteorology and climatology service in France estimates a 70% probability that a scenario of temperatures higher than seasonal norms will occur over the next three months in the Mediterranean area. A greater differential than in the rest of the territory.

A risk of heatwave

Across France as a whole, the organization estimated the risk of a scenario of temperatures hotter than normal between May and July at 50%. Conversely, the possibility of a colder scenario was assessed at 20% at the national level compared to 10% for the Mediterranean basin.

“It’s very crude, since we’re talking on a scale of months, so we’re not completely certain,” meteorologist Guillaume Sechet insisted. According to his information, the scenarios planned at European and American level nevertheless confirm these prospects for heat in France, and in particular in the south-east of the territory “with a risk of heatwaves or high heat waves”.

Source: yahoo

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