Conservation professionals, managers of marine protected areas, stakeholders in the protection of the Mediterranean, BeMed offers you the opportunity to strengthen the impact of your projects in Mediterranean island regions!
In 2020 BeMed launched a call for projects aimed at reducing plastic pollution in the Mediterranean islands. After 5 supported projects and the creation of a capitalization program, BeMed is launching a second edition on April 10, 2024 to strengthen its impact in the islands. Through its call for projects, BeMed wishes to strengthen field actions already underway in the Mediterranean islands and support projects likely to achieve a measurable impact in the fight against plastic pollution.

The objectives of this support:

– REDUCE pollution at source and its impact on the marine environment

– SUPPORT the implementation of sustainable solutions

– STRENGTHEN the capacities of local actors and create partnerships

– CREATE dynamics among stakeholders and facilitate experience sharing

Why the islands?

The call for projects concerns islands throughout the Mediterranean basin which are particularly vulnerable to plastic pollution. This threat weighs on their exceptional biodiversity as well as on the living environment of local populations.

The challenges of managing and processing plastic waste are particularly acute in these territories. Located at the interface between land and sea, waste leaks into marine environments are frequent. However, these islands also represent opportunities to develop and test concrete solutions aimed at reducing plastic pollution, promoting sustainable alternatives, and raising awareness among residents and visitors.

CapiMed-Islands, our capitalization program:

In parallel with the financial support granted, the CapiMed-Islands program is renewed for this edition and once again aims to:

– PROMOTE collaboration between islands and projects

– TRANSFER approaches, results and lessons learned to other islands

– IMPROVE project visibility

This program is funded by BeMed and coordinated by MedWaves and SMILO.

Financing conditions:

BeMed will support each project up to €100,000 and representing a maximum of 70% of the total project amount.

The funding will last 24 months (February 2025 to March 2027).

The project must target a Mediterranean island (or group of islands), of any size, inhabited or not, from all the countries around the Mediterranean. The following countries will be priority: Egypt, Lebanon, Albania, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Turkey and Montenegro.

The priority subjects are the reduction of the use of plastics, reuse or re-use systems, agriculture and fishing, the tourism sector, cruises and the maritime transport sector.

Deadline for submission of applications: July 10, 2024 (11:00 p.m. Paris GMT+1).

To apply and/or find out more about the regulations and eligibility criteria, please consult our website: link

The Beyond Plastic Med (BeMed) association

BeMed was founded in 2015, at the initiative of the Prince Albert II Foundation of

Monaco, in partnership with the MAVA Foundation, Surfrider Europe Foundation, the Tara Océan Foundation and the IUCN.

Its objective is to fight against plastic pollution in the Mediterranean by working alongside those in the field.

Source: Beyond Plastic Med

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