Under the aegis of the
World Confederation of Underwater Activities: CMAS
The Cap Afrique Mahdia diving school
In partnership with the
Federation of Underwater and Rescue Activities of Tunisia: FASST
The CMAS Africa Underwater Photography Cup 2024
As part of the
TRAPANIS International Festival
From June 25 to 30, 2024 in Mahdia

The organizing committee of the CMAS Africa Cup of Underwater Photography 2024 is delighted to announce the launch of the Trapanis International Festival, from June 25 to 30, 2024 in Mahdia. This event will be a unique celebration of the preservation of biodiversity, underwater heritage and underwater photography. It will take place in Mahdia, an iconic place where the beauty of marine life intertwines with submerged history, enhanced by the artistic expression of underwater photography.
A Collaborative and Multidisciplinary Effort This is a collaborative event supported by CMAS Africa, which encouraged the organization of the underwater photography competition proposed by the school of
diving Cap Afrique Mahdia, led by Mr. Rafed Daldoul, CMAS third degree diving instructor and international ILS instructor. The team designed this multi-stakeholder and multidisciplinary event, mobilizing Tunisian civil society organizations, all committed to supporting integrated actions in sustainable development, due to their potential for ecological awareness and their cultural promotion of local resources. .
The International TRAPANIS 2024 festival takes its name from a famous rock submerged at the bottom of the crystal clear waters of Mahdia, formerly called Trapanis by Cecilian fishermen, who came more precisely from Trapani, to explore the southern shore of the Mediterranean and experiment there. new fishing methods, including sardines with lamps (Lambares).

A Rich and Diverse Program

The activities of our event are aimed at any passionate diver, photography enthusiast or any sea lover. The diverse program includes general public conferences with renowned experts on marine biodiversity to be preserved in a universal context of climate change, as well as the promotion of
underwater heritage of Mahdia. The festival receives participants from more than ten African, Mediterranean and Arab countries. The competition jury is represented by highly qualified Tunisian, Algerian and European members, chaired by Mr. François Brun, with whom we have planned the screening and discussion of his film “Louis Boutan or the invention of underwater photography « .
The festival also plans ecological workshops for children, a beach cleaning action in Mahdia, Posidonia monitoring marking, the signing of a book of underwater photographs as well as cultural and artistic activities.

Objectives and Vision

The objectives of our action revolve around awareness raising, promotion and integration of professionals such as divers as well as scientists and environmental activists in a dynamic of collaboration in order to create positive synergies focused on the preservation and enhancement of the world submarine in Mahdia. This initiative
multidimensional offers an immersive experience that celebrates marine biodiversity, underwater archeology and photographic creativity. Mahdia Governorate has a long history of supporting heritage preservation
underwater culture. In October 2013, the 21st Congress on Archeology and Cultural Heritage in the Arab World was held in Mahdia, highlighting the importance of underwater cultural heritage in the region. Following this meeting, an Arab regional research center in the field of underwater cultural heritage was created in Mahdia, with the mausoleum of “Sidi Kacem” chosen to house it.
We are confident that the Trapanis Festival will contribute to raising awareness about the preservation of marine ecosystems and promoting the beauty of underwater life through underwater exploration and photography, towards the formation of a national team of underwater photography, so we will be able to host a world championship in Tunisia according to CMAS international standards. We invite the general public to us
join and follow us in this unique adventure and support our event to make this first edition a resounding success.

A Commitment to Sustainable Tourism

The Trapanis Festival 2024 is much more than a cultural and sporting event; it is fully integrated into a sustainable tourism approach. The event aims to raise awareness among participants, citizens and visitors about the preservation of marine ecosystems and underwater cultural heritage, while stimulating local economic development.
responsible and sustainable manner.

For more information, please contact us on:
Email: cap.afrique@gmail.com
Tel / Whatsapp: +216 22 697 252

Source: Cap Afrique

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