The Brittany Atlantic and Mediterranean Sea Clusters hailed a particularly prolific year for maritime innovation in 2023, driven in particular by the France 2030 program.

Launched in 2021, this ambitious program provides a budget of 54 billion euros to stimulate competitiveness and innovation through companies and research organizations. With a dual objective of decarbonizing the economy and supporting emerging players, France 2030 aims to develop the sectors of excellence of tomorrow.

Unlike certain industries such as aeronautics, automobiles or space, whose objectives were specifically stated in France 2030, the maritime sector was able to position its projects in several objectives of the program thanks to the wide variety of subjects that it makes it possible to address issues such as decarbonization, biotechnologies or food sovereignty…

In total, 4 of its 10 objectives and 3 of its 6 levers are applicable to maritime innovation and have seen innovation projects funded.

A very positive outcome

In 2023, of the 102 innovative projects labeled by the Brittany Atlantic and Mediterranean Sea Clusters, 55 have signed up and contributed to France 2030.

Representing a total budget of nearly one million euros, they were rigorously selected and supported for their suitability with the program’s decarbonization and innovation ambitions. Particular attention was paid to supporting emerging players and exploring the seabed. The latter mobilizes around a hundred industrial and research players for the development of drones, robots, mission management systems, but also detection and data processing equipment, all intended to strengthen knowledge and surveillance. oceans and deep seas.

These good results for the French blue economy sector were also generated thanks to the call for expressions of interest launched by the Research and Innovation Orientation Council for the maritime industrial sector (Corimer ).

Since its creation in 2018, Corimer has played a crucial role in financing by constituting a single national window for guiding innovation projects linked to the maritime industrial sector.

10 of the 13 winning projects of the “AMI CORIMER 2023 edition” were supported and labeled by the Pôles Mer. In 2024, the Pôles Mer confirm that they will continue the good momentum of 2023 with the opening of new France 2030 counters.

Source: marine-oceans

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