Olivier Poivre d’Arvor, writer, diplomat and figure in the cultural and maritime world, was elected on June 1, 2024 President of the International Sea Center-La Corderie Royale (Rochefort).

Currently French Ambassador for the poles and maritime issues, and special envoy of the President of the Republic for the United Nations Ocean Conference, Olivier Poivre d’Arvor has held various positions at the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs: attaché and cultural advisor (Alexandria, Prague, London), director of AFAA/Cultures France and founder of the French Institute, French ambassador to Tunisia…

Director of France Culture, he also created the Marathon des mots (Toulouse) and since 2014 has chaired the National Maritime Museum, where he ensured the reopening of its Parisian site in November 2023.

Elected President of the Arsenal des Mers (Rochefort) in 2021, he is also behind the creation of the World Maritime Forum (Bizerte, Tunisia) and the Blue Africa Summit (Tangier, Morocco)

Writer, novelist and essayist, he has just published Two Summers a Year in 2024 (Stock editions).

As president of Corderie Royale, Olivier Poivre d’Arvor succeeds Paul Guimard (1985-1991), Erik Orsenna (1991-2016) and Henri Jobbé-Duval (2016-2024).

Created as an association in an exceptional heritage site, the International Sea Center (Cultural Meeting Center) works to disseminate the maritime idea (exhibitions, welcoming artists and creators, specialized bookstore, festival, etc.). It ensures the cultural and tourist development of the Corderie (95,000 entries per year) and will celebrate its forty years in 2025.

Source: Corderie Royale

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