This operation concerns the purchase of all the shares held by Bank of Africa (BOA) in the company Africa Morocco Links (AML), for an amount of 307 million dirhams. Following this acquisition, CTM will hold 51% of the capital and voting rights of AML.

The Compagnie de transports au Maroc (CTM) announces in a press release, dated June 12, 2024, the repurchase of the majority stake (51%) of Bank of Africa (BOA) in the maritime transport company Africa Morocco Links (AML) , following authorization from the competent authorities.

This operation concerns the purchase of all the shares held by Bank of Africa (BOA) in the company Africa Morocco Links (AML), for an amount of 307 million dirhams. Following this acquisition, CTM will hold 51% of the capital and voting rights of AML.

Created in 2016, Africa Morocco Links (AML) is a maritime transport company specializing in connections between Europe and Morocco. Africa Morocco Links (AML) mainly operates the lines between the ports of Tangier Med and Algeciras, as well as between Tangier City and Tarifa since June 2024.

For CTM, the acquisition of Africa Morocco Links (AML) aligns with its diversification and growth strategy, aiming to become a regional leader in multimodal mobility for passengers and goods.

This operation allows CTM to integrate AML’s maritime expertise with its know-how in the transport of passengers and goods.

Remember that the remaining 49% of AML’s capital was purchased a few weeks ago by the Swedish operator Stena Line from the Greek group Attica Holdings.

Source: La vie éco

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