Saly, June 27 (APS) – The National Aquaculture Agency (ANA) aims to achieve a production of more than five figures, according to its new director general, Samba Ka.

« As the new director, we want to achieve, initially, a production in the five figures, six, seven, why not, » said Samba Ka during a training workshop for ANA agents on monitoring information systems in Saly (Mbour, west).

« We have all the physical potential: the sea, rivers, lakes, and land, » noted the new official.

Mr. Ka also mentioned the country’s potential in terms of biodiversity and human resources, with students trained in aquaculture by several universities and the ISEP (Higher Institutes of Professional Education).

Samba Ka intends to focus on creating an « incentive environment to attract investors in aquaculture. »

For him, this sector goes beyond food security and is an important provider of jobs. « We will work with the government and all stakeholders to achieve this goal, » he reassured.

He believes that « a lot has already been done, but there is still more to do, » given that « World Bank forecasts predict that aquaculture production will surpass that of fishing. »

Senegal has adopted a National Aquaculture Development Strategy (SNDAq) 2023-2032, aiming to achieve a production of 65,000 tons and create 50,000 jobs by 2032.

Source: APS

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