The world’s largest crane ship installs a gigantic structure for an oil project in the North Sea.

The world’s largest crane ship has just achieved a technical feat by installing a 90-metre-high jacket in the Valhall oil field on the Norwegian Continental Shelf (NCS). This ambitious project aims to extend the life of the field for a further forty years, promising new reserves and considerable economic benefits.

Strengthening offshore infrastructure

The « jacket », a steel structure essential for the support of oil platforms, was precisely positioned by Heerema Marine Contractors, a Dutch marine contractor. This operation is part of the Valhall PWP-Fenris development project, authorized by the Norwegian Ministry of Petroleum and Energy. The structure will serve as a foundation for a five-storey topside module, measuring 55 metres in height and weighing around 4,800 tonnes.

Impact and scope of the project

The installation of this jacket is a crucial step in the expansion of the Valhall oil field, discovered in 1975 and with potential reserves estimated at 230 million barrels of oil equivalent. This development is designed to capture new reserves and ensure continued production, thereby strengthening the economic benefits for the region and the partners involved.

Emissions minimization and energy optimization

The project takes advantage of existing systems to minimize CO2 emissions to less than 1 kg CO2/boe, by replacing traditional gas turbines with an earth-powered system. This initiative not only contributes to energy efficiency but also significantly reduces the field’s carbon footprint.

Project progress and prospects

The project has achieved several key milestones since the first steel plate was cut in September 2023. The jacket will support major offshore structures, including the future Valhall PWP production platform to be built at Stord and scheduled for relocation in summer 2026. This platform will form an integral part of Valhall’s enhanced gas processing capacity, increasing gas exports to Europe via the Norpipe pipeline.

Industrial implications and technological advances

The involvement of Aker Solutions and ProSep in the development and modification of subsea infrastructure for the Valhall PWP-Fenris project highlights the evolution of technologies and processes in the sector. In particular, ProSep is implementing its CTour process for water treatment on the new platform, ensuring compliance with the latest Norwegian regulatory standards.

This article explores the strategic importance of the Valhall PWP-Fenris project to the oil industry, highlighting the installation of a major structure by the world’s largest crane ship. This project not only extends the life of a key oil field, but also illustrates the evolution of industrial practices towards more sustainable and efficient solutions.

Source: Moobez

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