The Biodiversity Research Foundation (FRB) and the Oceanographic Institute of Monaco signed a partnership agreement on July 5, 2024. This document formalizes the launch of a joint research program initiated by the Oceanographic Institute and led by the FRB. This collaboration is part of the new multi-year program focused on the Mediterranean, which will be launched in spring 2025 by the Oceanographic Institute. After three years dedicated to polar regions, this Monégasque institute will shift its focus to the Mediterranean from 2025 onwards, aiming to contribute to achieving the goals set by the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, signed in December 2022. This includes the goal to conserve 30% of terrestrial and marine natural areas by 2030 through protected areas and other conservation measures.

« While there is consensus among scientific knowledge about the importance of marine protected areas and a general awareness of the degraded state of the sea, the numerous international and regional agreements have not yet adequately protected the oceans. Very few effective marine protected areas have been created so far. In the Mediterranean, while 8% are classified as ‘protected’, in practice, only 0.04% of these areas have a controlled management plan, » notes the institute. The FRB will contribute its expertise and know-how as a partner and co-leader in a research program aimed at assessing the status of marine protected areas and implementing additional conservation measures in the Mediterranean. The program will also analyze barriers to their implementation and seek solutions, with particular attention given to interactions with fisheries.

Source: monaco-hebdo

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