The Russian sailing ship Shtandart, banned from European ports due to sanctions imposed on Russia, was nevertheless granted permission to stop in La Rochelle on Monday and Tuesday for resupply, according to port sources on Wednesday.

The 34-meter-long three-masted ship, built in 1999, is an exact replica of a frigate from Tsar Peter the Great’s era. It was banned from accessing the port of Brest and participating in the city’s maritime festivals in early July by an order from the prefect of Finistère.

However, the prefect of Charente-Maritime authorized the ship to make a stopover in the marina of La Rochelle to ensure its resupply.

“It was authorized by the prefect of Charente-Maritime, who has authority over all the ports,” a port source told AFP.

“(The Shtandart) arrived on Monday morning and left on Tuesday afternoon,” the source added, noting that they did not know the sailing ship’s next destination.

Contacted by AFP, the Charente-Maritime prefecture declined to comment at this time. According to a source close to the authorities, it was merely a “technical stopover” and there was no reason to prohibit it.

In a video posted on Tuesday evening on the sailing ship’s Instagram account, Captain Vladimir Martus is filmed at the moment of departure from La Rochelle.

“It was very nice to be there, we have fuel, we have food, the crew was able to take a shower… We will be sailing for a week,” added the Russian ship’s owner in English.

A private property, the sailing ship has been touring European maritime festivals and taking on passengers and trainees since 1999. In 25 years, the ship has carried 10,000 people and participated in 200 maritime festivals across Europe.

On July 7, it had been denied access to one of the world’s largest gatherings, the Brest Maritime Festival.

The Finistère prefecture had justified its decision by the enforcement of European sanctions against Russia following the invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, which have been extended since June 24, 2024, to « historical replica ships » or « ships flying the Russian flag before February 24, 2022. »

The sailing ship changed its flag in early June and is now registered under the Cook Islands.

Vladimir Martus had challenged the prefectural order before the administrative court in Rennes, claiming to have « no connection » with « the regime » of Vladimir Putin, but the court had rejected his request.

Source: News Yahoo

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