Elected as the General Coordinator of the West and Central African Network of Maritime and Port Professional Women (RFPMP-AOC) during the 5th elective general assembly held on August 1 in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire, Magali Line Victoire Thaddess was introduced on August 22 at the auditorium of the Port Autonome de Pointe-Noire (PAPN), in the presence of Honoré Sayi, Minister of Transport, Civil Aviation, and Merchant Marine.

Magali Line Victoire succeeds Ivorian Florentine Guilard Koidio, who led the RFPMP-AOC for a long time. The Congolese is also the first woman from Central Africa to lead the network, which was established over seventeen years ago. This marks both an honor and a responsibility for the Port Autonome de Pointe-Noire, which has long been committed to promoting women in the maritime and port sector to ensure they can compete with men in the workplace. Séraphin Bhalat, Director General of the Port Autonome de Pointe-Noire, after recalling the historical contributions of women in the maritime sector, praised Magali Line Victoire Thaddess’s determination, who has recently been leading the Congo focal point of the RFPMP-AOC, an organ of the West and Central Africa Ports Management Association. « The Republic has been honored, as has the government and the President of the Republic. We hope you will bring sufficient will and commitment to demonstrate your expertise in leading this organization while promoting women, » said Honoré Sayi. The minister also encouraged company and structure leaders to emulate the Director General of the Port Autonome in his policy of valuing women in their enterprises.

Magali Line Victoire Thaddess, who is attached to the Director General of the Port Autonome de Pointe-Noire, stated: « I am deeply joyful because the result of this election is the reward for many years of hard work, self-denial, and resilience. The path was certainly difficult, but here we are. » She thanked Minister Honoré Sayi, her Ivorian counterpart in the election, the Director General of the PAPN who has always supported her, and her female colleagues in the maritime sector.

For the new General Coordinator of the RFPMP-AOC, the main areas of action are: ensuring the network’s visibility by participating in various representative events, developing partnerships with international entities to bring knowledge from other regions to women to enhance their skills, developing and establishing local networks within all members, and formulating and implementing effective policies to promote women’s careers within member organizations.

Magali Line Victoire Thaddess is an engineer in social and administrative innovations in social affairs, working at the Director General’s office of the Port Autonome de Pointe-Noire.

Source: adiac

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