Une vue de la forêt arctique depuis le sommet, avec des arbres et des collines couverts de neige.

What if planting trees at certain latitudes does more harm than good? In the Arctic, this well-meaning initiative could turn into a climate nightmare. Here’s why.

Planting trees is often presented as a simple and effective solution to reduce CO2 emissions. But in the Arctic, this well-intentioned idea could worsen the climate crisis. A recent study published in Nature Geoscience reveals a paradox: in these regions, planting trees warms the planet more than it cools it.

An ecosystem dominated by « white » In polar areas, snow and ice cover the ground for much of the year. These white surfaces reflect about 75% of the solar energy that reaches them, a phenomenon known as « albedo. » This ability to send light back into space helps keep these regions at low temperatures.

Source: tometeo

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