The rehabilitation of potable water supply systems in rural areas at an estimated cost of 2.3 billion dinars and the implementation of an action plan to promote rainwater valorization were among the measures taken during the Restricted Ministerial Council (RMC) held on Tuesday, February 25, 2025, at the Government Palace in La Kasbah. The meeting, chaired by Prime Minister Kamel Madouri, focused on water resource management governance and the Water Code project.

The RMC decided to continue mobilizing surface water resources by completing the construction of four dams while allocating additional funding for 2025 to drill deep wells (over 1,000 meters) in various governorates.

It was also agreed to enhance the use of treated water to ensure food security by creating stations dedicated to irrigation water production and to support water desalination programs to secure drinking water supply.

Other measures were taken, including finalizing the master plan « Water Management Plan for 2050 » and promoting the use of renewable energy to optimize the cost of water production and distribution.

Official data reveals that implementing the national water strategy by 2050 requires mobilizing 70 billion dinars, or 2.7 billion dinars annually. This strategy includes approximately 43 projects and 1,200 measures aimed at minimizing climate change impacts and ensuring a fair balance between supply and demand.

The goal is to reduce the share of water allocated to agriculture from 80% to 70%, while the remaining 30% will be dedicated to national consumption, as well as the tourism and industrial sectors.

The strategy aims to guarantee 115 liters of water per person per day, knowing that current available water resources amount to only 420 cubic meters per capita per year. This places Tunisia among the most water-stressed countries in the world.

Indicators show that national water demand is expected to rise by 38% by 2050, while water resources are projected to decline by 28%

Source: tunisienumerique

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