As part of its mandate to engage and consult civil society in preparation for the Third United Nations Ocean Conference (UNOC3), the Ocean and Climate Platform, in collaboration with Friends of Ocean Action, is launching a global « visioning » exercise aimed at imagining a sustainable future for the ocean. This collaborative effort builds on the findings of the consultation « A Call to All Ocean Voices, » which identified the key expectations of civil society for UNOC3 and highlighted the importance of anticipating the post-2030 agenda and the next steps for SDG 14, while continuing to strive for current goals.

This participatory approach aims to envision a more desirable future for the ocean and explore how to achieve it. It seeks to stimulate creativity and generate innovative solutions to current challenges while fostering action and deeply inspiring all ocean stakeholders.

The first step of this exercise is an online questionnaire designed to identify the « seeds » that will fuel the « visioning » process. These « seeds » are initiatives (e.g., civil society movements, technological innovations, policies, business practices) that have the potential to positively impact the future but are often on the margins of the dominant system. These « seeds » will be analyzed and used as the foundation for an in-person workshop focused on developing visions for a more desirable future and action pathways. The questionnaire is open to all members of the ocean community, whether representing an NGO, research institute, private sector, or government institution.

The goals of this survey are threefold: (1) assess the state of ocean sustainability on key topics; (2) identify objectives for a more sustainable ocean; and (3) explore how to achieve these objectives. The insights and visions will be presented in Nice during UNOC3.

Source: Plateforme Océan & Climat

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