The National Association of Actors in the Aquaculture Sector of Senegal (ANAFAS) has a new president. This is Khadidiatou Sar Seck, Co-founder of the Mbawane fish and agricultural farm, located in the commune of Kayar. She was elected last Saturday, June 1, 2024, during the ordinary general assembly of ANAFAS held at the conference room of the National Aquaculture Agency of Senegal and marked by the representation of member Regional Associations. “In my capacity as president, I renew to all members and stakeholders in the aquaculture sector my commitment to the success of this mission and reiterate my call to work together so that ANAFAS is the standard bearer for stakeholders in the aquaculture sector of Senegal on a national and international scale,” she said.

A consultant in business management and an executive in the hotel sector for more than fifteen years, Khadidiatou Sar Seck has chosen the challenge of a total reconversion in the field of fish farming for sustainable and long-term management of resources in Senegal. The former general secretary of ANAFAS decided to take on the challenge of Responsible Fish Farming, after discovering his interest in the sector in 2005, during a professional mission.

Created on June 5, 2021, the National Association of Actors in the Aquaculture Sector has the “mission to contribute to the development of aquaculture through the supervision and support of structures and organizations in the sector but also by constituting a national framework of consultation and defense of the interests of stakeholders and different socio-professional categories in the aquaculture sector.

At the initiative of its supervisory authority, the National Aquaculture Agency which supported its constitution, ANAFAS which brings together 14 regional organizations of actors in the aquaculture sector in Senegal, works for a « sustainable development of aquaculture operations in a context of scarcity of fishery resources due to several factors including overfishing and the environmental impacts of climate change.

Source: sudquotidien

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