The Royal initiative for the Atlantic aims to enable the Atlantic coast of Africa to become a place of communion, shared prosperity, accelerated regional economic integration, and prominence on a continental and international scale, affirms ambassador, director general of the Moroccan Agency for International Cooperation (AMCI), Mohamed Methqal

“The vision of His Majesty King Mohammed VI is for the Atlantic coast of Africa to become a place of communion, shared prosperity, accelerated regional economic integration, and prominence both continentally and internationally,” said Mohamed Methqal during the 7th International Africa Development Forum (FIAD), held on June 27-28 in Casablanca.

The DG of AMCI also highlighted the three dimensions through which the Royal Atlantic Initiative could materialize in partnership and co-construction with all the countries along this Atlantic coast.

In this regard, he emphasized the importance of capitalizing on the institutional platform created by Morocco a few years ago, which allows the governments of the 23 Atlantic African countries to meet within working groups to discuss various topics such as the blue economy, sustainable development, security, infrastructure, and connectivity.

Furthermore, Methqal stressed the need to accelerate, on a continental scale and particularly along this Atlantic coast, the structuring projects launched, which concern the development of the maritime dimension through fishing and the entire industrial component around maritime fishing.

This also includes components related to infrastructure, connectivity, and tourism, as well as the development of industrial integration with logistic zones and trade corridors, he added.

The DG of AMCI also emphasized the importance of capitalizing on transformational continental-scale projects, such as the Nigeria-Morocco Atlantic gas pipeline, which can contribute to transforming and accelerating regional economic integration and achieving sustainable human development in these countries, improving their access to food security, fostering industrial development, and promoting industrial co-location for the benefit of the African continent.

Additionally, Methqal pointed out that the international initiative of His Majesty King Mohammed VI to facilitate Sahel countries’ access to the Atlantic Ocean is fully integrated into the Royal Atlantic Initiative.

“In the spirit of active solidarity, the Sovereign aims to develop this Atlantic coast to also benefit the Sahel countries, which are currently landlocked. These countries share the same challenges as the Atlantic coast and have common vocations, particularly in agriculture, mining, and potential in solar and energy sectors,” he continued.

Methqal also noted that the ongoing projects in the southern provinces, the Nigeria-Morocco gas pipeline, the launched projects in other countries in terms of electrical interconnection, connectivity infrastructure, the Sahel-Atlantic commercial corridor with various dry ports or integrated economic zones, should help achieve the ambition advocated by His Majesty the King, to make this area, composed of 23 Atlantic countries and 4 Sahel countries, one of shared prosperity and stability.

Initiated by the Africa Development Club of the Attijariwafa bank group, in partnership with the pan-African fund Al Mada, this forum was also an opportunity for the DG of AMCI to revisit the vision carried by His Majesty the King to contribute to accelerating the co-emergence of Africa.

This edition of FIAD brought together a community of top political decision-makers, international institutions, economic operators, and media from over 30 countries on the continent.


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