Madagascar: A Fishing Ban to Preserve Lobster Resources
Soon, this African country will build the largest solar power plant on the continent to boost its electricity production.
Climate Change: Italy on the Frontline
Oceans, Glaciers, Climate, Artificial Intelligence… What Awaits You in 2025
Amazing! Here is Atlantic Europe and Mediterranean Europe
Fishing Expands in GERD and Other Parts of Ethiopia
Illegal Fishing: Senegal’s PM Announces Protective Measures to Combat Overfishing of Marine Resources
DRC: Towards the Revitalization of the National Office of Fisheries and Aquaculture
Geopolitics of the Arctic: A Region Under High Tension
Why the Mediterranean Sea is Particularly Vulnerable to Climate Change
The Poles, according to Camille Escudé
The new maritime route Agadir-Dakar will stimulate Morocco’s trade exchanges with Sub-Saharan Africa.