New support measures are boosting the fishing sector. Among them, individual fishermen will benefit from a subsidy of Rs 1 million for the purchase of semi-industrial fishing boats. In addition, aid of Rs 300,000 will be granted for the acquisition of a canoe, while cooperatives will receive a subsidy of Rs 6 million for the purchase of semi-industrial fishing boats.

Subsidies for the purchase of hooks and fishing equipment will also increase from Rs 2,500 to Rs 3,500, and materials for constructing fish traps will see their subsidy increase from Rs 5,000 to Rs 7,500. A one-time grant of Rs 50,000 will be provided to registered fishermen for the renewal of their outboard engines.

The government also plans to set up modern fish markets in the regions of Mahébourg, Grand-Baie, Baie-du-Cap and Trou-d’Eau-Douce, and the construction of a fishing station in Saint-Brandon. for monitoring bank fishermen. To improve security, Rs 10 million will be allocated to install marking buoys and add fish aggregation devices around the island.

Small-scale fishermen aged 65 and over who surrender their license will see their lump sum increase from Rs 100,000 to Rs 125,000. Compensation to net fishermen who surrender their licenses will increase from Rs 100,000 to Rs 125,000 for individuals and from Rs 200,000 to Rs 250,000 for cooperatives. In the event of sudden death, an amount of Rs 200,000 will be paid to the heirs of the fisherman, and the death benefit to the families of fishermen lost at sea will increase from Rs 200,000 to Rs 300,000.

The DBM will extend its Amnesty Scheme to cancel loans over 20 years old by June 2025, as well as loans from deceased fishermen. Duty-free facilities will be provided to registered artisanal fishermen for the acquisition of a 4×4 vehicle. The Bad Weather Allowance will be increased from Rs 650 to Rs 800. In addition, the Fisheries Act will be amended to allow a vessel Mauritian fishing authorities to use large drift gillnets or bottom trawls, where permitted and consistent with conservation and management measures.

Judex Rampaul, fisherman and general secretary of the fishermen’s union, expressed general satisfaction with these measures, but highlighted some shortcomings. “The subsidy of Rs 1 million to individual fishermen for the purchase of semi-industrial fishing boats is a good initiative to enable fishermen to go further to sea, but it is insufficient because a boat costs at least Rs 3 million . The subsidy for the purchase of hooks and fishing equipment is welcome, but it is also crucial to encourage and assist in the renewal of the workforce in the sector, as fishermen are aging. “There is therefore a lack of investment in training young people for professional fishing… Implementation remains to be seen,” he declared.

Source: l’

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