A National Blue Carbon Taskforce aimed at engaging stakeholders to work collaboratively to achieve net zero carbon emissions was launched on Tuesday, June 4, 2024, by the Minister of Blue Economy, Marine Resources , Fisheries and Maritime Transport, Sudheer Maudhoo, at the Albion Fisheries Research Center in the presence of the Acting High Commissioner of Australia to Mauritius, Katie Lalor.

The Blue Carbon Project Leader in Mauritius, Dr. Sundy Ramah, developed the conservation and rehabilitation of seagrass ecosystems and the determination of the carbon sequestration capacity of seagrasses in Mauritius.

Minister Maudhoo noted from the outset that the creation of the National Blue Carbon Task Force will help work towards capacity building and nature-based solutions, as well as formulate recommendations and fund adaptation opportunities. on a national level. He thanked the Australian Government for the unprecedented support provided to Mauritius through the project to assess the state of seagrass beds around the island, which began in 2019 and ended in 2024.

“It should be noted that the blue carbon component of the project was carried out in close collaboration with scientific friends from the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization and the Indian Ocean Rim Association Indian Ocean Blue Carbon Hub in Perth, Australia », declared the Minister of the Blue Economy.

“Mass awareness campaigns were also carried out last year around the island as well as information boards on the protection and conservation of seagrasses were placed in the five important seagrass beds, namely Poste Lafayette, Mont Choisy, Albion, Le Morne and Mahébourg,” added Sudheer Maudhoo.

Source: Ion News

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