Requested by Hespress Fr, Mohamed Bouden, President of the Atlas Center for Analysis of Political and Institutional Indicators (CAAIPI), was kind enough to grant us an interview whose subject is none other than the essential role of the Kingdom of Morocco in the Initiative African Atlantic.

Indeed, Morocco plays a central role. Rabat houses the General Secretariat of the Initiative and has coordinated several ministerial meetings, including during the last meeting in Rabat in July 2023. This involvement also demonstrates Morocco’s commitment to promoting regional cooperation in the African Atlantic region.

Hespress fr: Can you explain to us why the Atlantic Ocean is currently generating such enthusiasm for economic investments?

Mohamed Bouden: The Atlantic Ocean represents an important source of economic opportunities, particularly because of its potential to contribute to the global economy. According to World Bank estimates, oceans already generate around $1.5 trillion per year, a figure that is expected to double by 2030 to exceed $3 trillion. This projected growth is fueled by a variety of economic sectors, many of which are linked to the sustainable maritime economy.

Hespress fr: How does Morocco plan to exploit these opportunities in the Atlantic region?

Mohamed Bouden: Morocco, under the leadership of King Mohammed VI, is adopting an ambitious and innovative approach to take advantage of the resources of the Atlantic Ocean. We seek to collaborate with our international and regional partners to develop maritime transport infrastructure, promote investments in sectors related to energy and the maritime economy, and strengthen development drivers in the region.

Hespres Fr: What are the main areas of investment in this initiative?

Mohamed Bouden: Investments mainly focus on the development of port infrastructure, the promotion of sustainable coastal tourism, the exploitation of marine resources, particularly in the field of fishing and aquaculture, as well as on research and innovation in the maritime sectors.

Hespres Fr: How does Morocco intend to collaborate with other countries in the Atlantic region to promote this initiative?

Mohamed Bouden: Morocco has already established solid partnerships with many countries in the Atlantic region, through bilateral exchanges and regional initiatives such as the Integration Initiative on the Atlantic Facade of Africa. We strongly believe in international cooperation as a means to stimulate economic development and foster regional stability.

Hespress fr: Could you explain to us what the African Atlantic Initiative is and what its objectives are?

The African Atlantic Initiative aims to create a framework for regional cooperation between countries on the African Atlantic coast. Its main objective is to strengthen the competitive conditions of participating countries, expand opportunities for diversification of trading partners, create new economic opportunities and protect common interests against fluctuations in international markets and geopolitical changes.

Hespress fr: How does this initiative differ from traditional integration initiatives?

Mohamed Bouden: What makes this initiative unique is its holistic vision of Africa’s Atlantic geopolitics. Unlike traditional integration initiatives that often focus on specific regions, this one encompasses countries from four geopolitical regions of the continent: the north, west, center and south. Its objective is to expand the Atlantic cooperation model by implementing projects that will fundamentally transform the entire Atlantic area.

Hespres Fr: Can you give us a concrete example of a project included in this initiative?

Mohamed Bouden: Of course. An emblematic project of the African Atlantic Initiative is the Morocco-Nigeria gas pipeline. This ambitious project involves 13 Atlantic African countries, with a total population of 440 million people. With a length of more than 5,660 kilometers to Western Europe, this gas pipeline would become a major hub for shared prosperity in the Atlantic, a vector of development and energy supply, and a symbol of convergence between the two continents.

Hespres Fr: What are the strategic priorities of this initiative?

Mohamed Bouden: The strategic priorities of the African Atlantic Initiative are four in number. It is about creating an African Atlantic space which promotes security and stability, which offers a competitive advantage at the level of the value chain, which promotes sustainable development on the social, environmental and economic levels, and which enhances its potential. commercial to attract investments in the countries of the South.

Hespres Fr: What are the areas covered by this initiative and what are the concrete actions undertaken?

Mohamed Bouden: The African Atlantic Initiative addresses various areas such as security, politics, the fight against terrorism and transnational organized crime, as well as economic and environmental issues such as the blue economy, maritime connectivity, and protection of the marine environment. Nigeria, Cape Verde and Gabon were tasked with developing action plans in these areas, demonstrating the holistic approach of the initiative.

Hespres Fr: How does this initiative contribute to the strategic vision of Africa?

Mohamed Bouden: The African Atlantic Initiative represents the broadest and most important strategic vision of the continent today. It aims to strengthen regional cooperation and promote sustainable development in the Atlantic region. By focusing on key areas such as security, the blue economy and maritime connectivity, this initiative helps address common challenges in Atlantic coastal countries while harnessing opportunities for economic growth.

Hespres Fr: What are the main catalysts necessary for the practical implementation of this initiative?

Mohamed Bouden: To successfully implement this initiative, three main catalysts are essential: concrete cooperation projects in various areas, strengthening triangular cooperation involving interested international actors, and establishing clear and measurable objectives. These catalysts are fundamental to ensuring effective and sustainable implementation of the African Atlantic Initiative.

Source: Hespress

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