The Charfia Road project aims to create a new tourist circuit to highlight the Charfia fishing of Kerkennah, included on the UNESCO world heritage list in 2020. This project, implemented by the Sfax Outdoor association and several stakeholders local sites, as part of the Unesco Heritage Route, ended on Monday June 3, 2024, announced the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ). It was and has been an opportunity for economic development and capacity building. Numerous training courses have been organized for fishermen, young people and women of the island on trap manufacturing techniques, the preservation of local products and the history of charfia fishing. Some fishermen also received equipment to help them develop their activities, as well as support for the Kerkennah tourist center to refit boats for sea trips, thus offering visitors an immersive experience.

Travel agencies were invited to participate in an exclusive edutour, which allowed them to discover the circuit and its activities in depth, thus strengthening their commitment to promoting this authentic destination. This initiative was supported by the project Promotion of Sustainable Tourism, implemented by the Ministry of Tourism and Crafts with the support of GIZ and jointly financed by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the European Union as part of its Tounes Wijhetouna program (Tunisia, our destination).

Source: Kapitalis

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