The third edition of the United Nations Ocean Conference (UNOC) will take place in Nice from June 9 to 13, 2025. Alongside the official program, CNES and the Nice Côte d’Azur Metropolis have developed an « UNOC Off » program aimed at showcasing the importance of space technology in protecting the oceans. This program includes a series of six conferences on the theme « Oceans and Space, » held once a month until April 2025. All conferences are live-streamed on the CNES YouTube channel.
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This third conference focuses on the intergovernmental organization Mercator Ocean International (MOi), a flagship of European oceanographic excellence. For nearly 30 years, MOi has been developing ocean forecasting models. In this capacity, the organization implements and operates the European Copernicus Marine Service on behalf of the European Commission.
The conference will highlight cutting-edge scientific and technical innovations designed to describe, understand, and assess the ocean environment using advanced ocean information products that integrate satellite observations.
Speaker: Fabrice Messal, Service Development and User Engagement Manager at Mercator Ocean International.
Source : Conférence : Mercator Ocean international, le spatial au service des prévisions océaniques | CNES