Algeria’s Minister of Fisheries and Fishery Production, Ahmed Badani, said on Monday in Algiers that the necessary measures had been taken to reopen red coral fishing operations in the country.

Speaking at a press briefing held on the sidelines of the closing ceremony for the 2023-2024 teaching year at the institutes and schools in his sector, the Minister said that “all measures relating to the exploitation of red coral have been taken in anticipation of the reopening of this activity as soon as possible”.

In more detail, Mr. Badani added that 10 areas have been selected across the country for coral fishing, with two of the ten areas being exploited each year, and each exploited area being put to rest for 5 years to allow the coral to develop and ensure sustainable exploitation of this rich resource.

He also emphasized that all the necessary equipment and control procedures had been undertaken, in coordination with the Ministry of Health. “Wilaya commissions for this activity have been set up in El Tarf, Annaba, Skikda and Jijel”, he explained.

Highlighting the contribution of coral fishing to the local and national economy, the Minister noted that this activity would generate 160 million dinars per year for the public purse, and would also create 400 direct and 900 indirect jobs, “from El Kala, in the far east of the country, to Tlemcen, in the far west”.

Over 4,400 farmers trained in integrated aquaculture

On another subject, Mr. Badani highlighted the “new stage” inaugurated by the fisheries sector with the participation of its inspectors, for the first time, in the joint international bluefin tuna inspection operation in the Mediterranean.

He praised the effort made to train a team of professional, internationally-eligible inspectors, saying that this move “provides experience and recognition for the sector’s executives, and offers Algeria an opportunity to reposition itself within the framework of the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT)”.

With regard to the 2023-2024 teaching year for the fisheries sector, the Minister reported that the number of farmers trained in integrated aquaculture had reached over 4,400 this season, an increase of 55% compared with last season.

This increase reflects the willingness of farmers to enter the freshwater aquaculture sector, in particular tilapia farming,” he said, recalling the incentives and tax benefits introduced by the government to encourage tilapia farming and develop sustainable, diversified fish production.

Underlining his department’s commitment to specialized training, Mr. Badani reported that no fewer than 15,567 learners attended the sector’s 9 training establishments during the current teaching season, representing a 20% increase over the previous year.

The Minister, who praised all the sector’s teachers and administrative and educational staff for their “creativity and commitment”, noted the launch of a training program for trainers in entrepreneurship and innovation, as well as an incubator for innovative projects. During the ceremony, new graduates, executives and retirees from the sector were honored.


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