Des crimes contre Djerba, contre la Tunisie

We have a hard time, a lot of trouble, realizing that this hideous spectacle is unfolding at the marina of Djerba, an island that inspires dreams around the world. Yet another severe blow to post-revolutionary Tunisia, to its reputation, to its tourism, to its economy. And who is perpetrating these crimes against the environment, against the nation? The same one who relentlessly disfigures the country and pushes it back several decades: the Tunisian ‘citizen,’ once again, time and time again…

Just as he has devastated all the beaches, all the streets, and everything that is beautiful and precious, he is now attacking Djerba, one of the national jewels. Incivility and rudeness know no bounds. These photos published by Djerba Actions (a collective of citizens for the defense of Djerba’s interests) illustrate the deep harm that is ravaging the country, polluting it durably, and especially establishing habits that will annihilate any development efforts for a long time.

So, for those still inspired by the dream, they have left only the images and memories of the old Djerba marina or, failing that, the paradisiacal places that populate humanity and which other countries cherish, maintain, and preserve because they are aware of their value. So yes, it is legitimate to criticize the municipality of Djerba, the public authorities, and local officials; but it is above all the ‘citizens’ who must be condemned. Even with the best will in the world, it is impossible to have an agent behind every Tunisian, to monitor every action and gesture. If there is to be salvation, it must come from each of us.

If the trajectory is not corrected quickly, these boats and yachts, which are crucial to the island’s economy, will become increasingly rare. And one day they will no longer come. Certainly, those who throw garbage everywhere while their homes are sparkling do not realize the harm they are causing to Djerba, to Tunisia. But here, ignorance, indifference, carelessness, and human stupidity cannot be excuses; they are faults, severe ones, that must be punished accordingly, with the utmost severity. It is the only way to save what is most precious to us.

Source: Tunisie Numerique

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