As part of its efforts to strengthen economic integration in West Africa, the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) recently held a working meeting in Praia, Cape Verde. The main objective of the meeting was to advance the project for a maritime link between Dakar and Praia, a key initiative to further integrate Cape Verde into the regional market.

The consultation, which brought together representatives of member states and players in the maritime sector, marked a crucial stage in the finalization of the project’s technical studies. The Praia-Dakar-Abidjan-Lagos transport corridor, which forms part of this initiative, is one of the region’s most ambitious infrastructure projects. According to Eduardo Lima, Chairman of the Board of Directors of ENAPOR, the National Port Administration Company of Cape Verde, this project will offer a significant opportunity for Cape Verdean citizens to access the vast ECOWAS market, which has a population of over 400 million.

Discussions focused on the various options for setting up maritime services, ranging from conventional container ships to RoPax vessels, capable of carrying both passengers and goods. After careful consideration, the experts recommended a hybrid approach combining both types of service, a solution that meets the ambitious goal of improving the free movement of people while stimulating intra-regional trade.

Chris Appiah, Acting Director of Transport for ECOWAS, underlined the strategic importance of the Praia-Dakar maritime line for the community’s transport network. He emphasized that this service will offer a more cost-effective way of facilitating trade, which is essential for economic growth and regional connectivity.

In addition to the theoretical discussions, a technical visit to the port of Praia enabled participants to assess the existing infrastructure and consider the improvements needed to implement the maritime transport service. The meeting concluded with the validation of financial strategies and the elaboration of a logistical implementation plan, with the ambitious goal of making this shipping line operational by the end of 2026.

This project promises to mark a new era in regional integration and economic development in West Africa, by strengthening economic and cultural ties between ECOWAS member states.

Source: JournalduSénégal

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