(Agence Ecofin) – In response to growing competition from China and Russia in Africa, many European countries are increasingly mobilizing across various sectors, particularly in infrastructure investment.

According to Danish Shipping, the Danish maritime industry’s professional and employers’ organization, Denmark’s new strategy for Africa presents significant opportunities for closer cooperation in trade, sustainability, and renewable energy sectors.

In a statement dated August 26, Danish Shipping expressed support for the overarching goals of Denmark’s strategy, while calling for a more concrete approach, particularly regarding financing and trade.

Anne H. Steffensen, CEO of Danish Shipping, emphasized, “Africa has enormous potential in renewable energy, which can play a key role in the future of green fuels for maritime transport. To ensure an ecological transition, it is crucial that we strengthen cooperation on the development of these energy sources.” She added, “If we want to bring Africa closer to us, both geopolitically and economically, we must ensure that African countries also see their prosperity improve.”

The new strategy aims to enhance diplomatic, political, and investment relations with several African countries over the coming years. According to the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, this series of initiatives will help the EU counter the growing influence of China and Russia on the African continent.

In addition to this strategy, Danish Shipping also sees significant potential in the EU’s “Global Gateway” initiative. This initiative aims to promote investment in essential infrastructure, including transportation and port facilities, and to establish green corridors along maritime routes around the African continent.

Source: agenceecofin

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