This signature, according to Dr Diouf, brings a contribution to the weight of the two States and allows the authorities to seize opportunities to consolidate dialogue for a deepening of solidarity and the implementation of joint actions.

Dr Fatou Diouf, Minister of Fisheries, Maritime and Port Infrastructure, during a two-day visit to Mauritania, signed with his Mauritanian counterpart Moktar Alhousseyni Lam a cooperation agreement in the field of fishing and aquaculture, we learned from a press release published on the ministry’s Facebook page.

Dr Fatou Diouf declared that this signing of the protocol is synonymous with strengthening bilateral cooperation for common development.

“It makes an important contribution to the weight of the two States and allows the authorities to seize opportunities to consolidate dialogue and synergy for a deepening of solidarity and, as a corollary, the implementation of sustained joint actions,” he said. she argues.

“It is appropriate to note the importance of the success of fisheries cooperation between our two states and particularly of the protocol implementing the agreement on fishing and aquaculture which constitutes an economic and social regulator,” underlined Dr. Fatou Diouf.

The Nouakchott meeting allowed the authorities to “revise the provisions of the Protocol to better facilitate its implementation”

However, the Minister of Fisheries, Maritime and Port Infrastructure invites his Mauritanian counterpart to “take all necessary initiatives to strengthen their cooperation in other areas of common interest, notably fisheries research, fisheries monitoring, aquaculture, inland fishing, training, quality control and private partnership.

The Mauritanian Minister of Fisheries and Maritime Economy, for his part, urged the Mauritanian and Senegalese actors to “show responsibility by scrupulously respecting the provisions of this protocol which augurs a promising future for relations between the two countries in the fishing sector”.

Source: seneplus

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