As warned recently, the Ivorian government has effectively closed the country’s maritime waters this Monday, July 1, in preparation for biological rest in the water bodies.

According to the local press, artisanal fishing, semi-industrial fishing and industrial fishing are thus temporarily suspended in the country’s main fishing zones, namely the sea, the Aby lagoon, Grand-Lahou, Lake Kossou and Lake Buyo, for one or two months, depending on the type of fishing and the bodies of water concerned.

The Ivorian Minister of Animal and Fisheries Resources, Sidi Tiémoko Touré, who officially announced the closure in the locality of Adiaké, explained that the aim was to « encourage fish reproduction and replenish the various fish populations; improve catch levels and the incomes of stakeholders, in particular fishermen; and ensure sustainable exploitation of our water bodies for the benefit of current and future generations ».

« If fish stocks recover as a result of this measure, then you will be fishing sustainably, improving your incomes and maintaining jobs », he added, addressing the sector’s stakeholders, who, according to him, are the primary beneficiaries of the government measure.

The Minister also announced the measures taken by the authorities to « minimize the impact of this closure » on fishermen and consumers. These include the setting up of « a revolving fund, which will soon be operational », as well as « the exemption of stopover and accommodation fees for fishing vessels docking in ports ».

Tiémoko Touré also pointed out that, to ensure the availability of fish on the market, the government has made arrangements with importers and fish farmers, specifying that the total availability is 245,000 tonnes, covering 35% of the country’s annual needs. Finally, he invited fishermen to respect the biological rest period.

Source: Agence Afrique

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