European action is essential to achieve carbon neutrality since part of national environmental regulations come from law at the level of the European Union. National environmental and climate policies are therefore directly conditioned by decisions taken at the level of the European Union, and define the general orientations of the initiatives and investments that will be implemented in the years to come. Additionally, the EU plays a leading role in climate diplomacy, mobilizing other countries and regions around the world to meet the Paris Agreement temperature target (1.5°/2°C).

In order to shed light on climate issues at the European level and their articulation with the French level, the High Council for the Climate publishes a synthetic and illustrated extract of the findings and analyzes resulting from its work (Annual Report 2023 “Acting the emergency, engaging the means”, opinion on COP28 “The global assessment and its implications for France’s climate policy”, opinion on “The French strategy for capture, storage and use of CO2”, 2023, and report “Accelerating the climate transition with a low-carbon, resilient and just food system”, 2024).

The report: HCC_Rapport_Inter_2024 – 06.05 copy (

Source: haut conseil climat

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