Now, more than ever, the effects of climate change are becoming increasingly severe. To deal with this terrible situation, immediate solutions are needed, not least to lower CO2 levels in the atmosphere. To this end, some start-ups want to use the oceans as a dumping ground for this greenhouse gas.

While there are indeed long-term solutions for combating global warming, humanity also needs strategies that can be applied immediately, given that the effects of this phenomenon are currently becoming increasingly serious. Various options are being considered, and one of them should be to use the oceans as carbon dioxide dumps. Seas and oceans are already responsible for absorbing around 20-30% of all CO2 in the atmosphere. But some experts believe that the oceans can absorb much more.

Based on this hypothesis, start-ups are currently working on technologies and installations that could enable the ocean to absorb up to a million tons more CO2. If this proves successful, it would indeed be a boon for air pollution. However, it’s also important to remember that the consequences for marine ecology can be disastrous. As the oceans absorb CO2, they become more acidic, and this is almost certainly a threat to marine ecosystems.

Some companies, however, have methods that could alleviate this problem. One company, for example, wants to use an electrochemical method to extract CO2 from seawater, so that the gas can be stored in the ocean without making it unsuitable for marine life. While this has potential, a number of parameters still need to be taken into account before it can actually be applied. Storing CO2 in the ocean is a possible solution, but not as immediate as one might think. Moreover, the Atlantic Ocean has begun to collapse, and the consequences are already visible.

Source: Daily Geek Show

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