Great Ranking : The Port Autonome de Lomé has made significant progress in the global port rankings, rising to 93rd place from 94th last year.

The Port Autonome de Lomé has made a notable advance in the global port rankings, rising to 93rd place from 94th last year.

This result, published by Lloyd’s List in its annual ranking of the world’s top 100 ports, reflects the growing dynamism and competitiveness of this port platform.

The Port Autonome de Lomé remains the only port in Sub-Saharan Africa to feature in this prestigious ranking, making it a key player in regional maritime trade.

Although modest, this progress allows the port to surpass renowned facilities such as Yeosu Gwangyang Port in South Korea, Lázaro Cárdenas in Mexico, Southampton in the United Kingdom, and Shantou in China.

Its leading position in Sub-Saharan Africa underscores Lomé’s strategic importance in international maritime trade.

According to officials from the Ministry of Maritime Economy, Lomé now ranks 5th among African ports, highlighting its crucial role in the economic and maritime development of the continent.

While satisfied with this progress, the Ministry of Maritime Economy is clear about its ambition to advance further.

« Improving beyond the single point gained is our goal for the next ranking, » officials stated on Sunday.

This statement reflects the authorities’ determination to continue enhancing the port’s infrastructure, services, and capabilities to maintain and improve its global competitiveness.

With its strategic position on the West African coast, Lomé is becoming a major hub for maritime trade, connecting several countries in the sub-region to global markets. Continuous investments in port infrastructure improvements and efforts to enhance operational efficiency are crucial for solidifying this position and attracting more maritime traffic.

Source: republicoftogo

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