Fishing activity is 99% artisanal on the Congo River and its tributaries. The Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock recognized this during the workshop focused on the development of a strategic plan to promote the blue economy in the DRC organized on the initiative of the Inter-African Bureau of Animal Resources of the African Union (AU-IBAR) financed by Norway and Sweden from April 23 to 26. Most fish on the market are imported from Namibia. However, the DRC government has ordered eight fishing boats from Egypt to boost fishing activities nationally. If better organized, the fishing sector can ensure food security and generate income. – What can be done to better organize the fishing and aquaculture sector in the DRC?

Jody Nkashama discusses this subject with Patricia Maisha Ishingwa, national president of the Network for the Integral Development of Congo (REDIC) and expert in fisheries resource management and sustainable blue economy.

Professor Mutambwe Shango, expert in aquatic ecology and Professor Aser Nzomfu, expert in water law also took part in this interview.

Source: radiookapi

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