In Jakarta, the countdown has already started. Nothing can prevent the disaster. Jakarta is sinking. The Java Sea is gradually eroding the Indonesian megacity. Today, nearly half of Jakarta is below sea level, and the city continues to sink by about 10 centimeters per year.

By 2050, if no action is taken, Jakarta will be almost entirely underwater. It is the first capital threatened with disappearance due to climate change. Without solutions for the residents who live with their feet in water at each tide, Indonesian President Joko Widodo has opted for a major relocation, constructing a new capital 2,000 kilometers away, in the heart of the Borneo jungle. Its name: Nusantara.

It will be a forest city, a green, sustainable metropolis without traffic jams, where people will walk or bike around. Construction began two years ago, with 27,000 workers laboring day and night on this monumental project.

Since the construction of Brasília in Brazil, there has been no comparable ambition: relocating a capital and establishing a futuristic city in the middle of nowhere.

However, the future capital is already sparking controversy and is seen by environmentalists as a threat to Borneo’s green paradise.

Source: ARTE

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