Kingston, Jamaica, June 24, 2024 – Bertrand Smith, Director General of the Jamaica Maritime Authority, reiterated Jamaica’s commitment to fostering a resilient ocean ecosystem for future generations.

Speaking at a recent World Oceans Day ceremony hosted by Earth Ambassadors at the Jamaica Pegasus Hotel, Mr. Smith described Jamaica’s proactive measures in marine conservation, including the implementation of a global initiative supported by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the International Maritime Organization (IMO) to combat marine litter from the transportation and fishing sectors.

The Director General also highlighted the country’s compliance with the IMO’s 2023 strategy on greenhouse gas emissions (GHG).

« As an active member of the International Maritime Organization, Jamaica is committed to participating in global efforts to decarbonize maritime transport, with ambitious goals to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050, » he said.

Acknowledging the urgency of action, Mr. Smith emphasized the essential role of youth leadership in driving sustainable change.

« [World Oceans Day] not only celebrates our oceans but also empowers our youth, especially our Earth Ambassadors and junior ambassadors who are leading the charge in environmental stewardship, » he stated.

« I am proud of how youth leadership is contributing to catalyzing the transformative change needed for our blue planet. At local, national, and international levels, youth are engaging in actions and policy changes to create a better future. We salute these young climate advocates, » the Director General added.

Mr. Smith also called on citizens to « preserve our oceans and environment for our children, grandchildren, and future generations, » emphasizing that what is done today and in the years to come will be crucial for their future and their world.3.5.

Source: magneticmediatv

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