With a fine and alert pen, Béchir Mahjoub retraces, in his book “From the sardines of Mahdia to the passion for mathematics” published by Editions Leaders, his academic career, the pillars that he founded as general director of higher education and scientific research and his action as ambassador and representative of Tunisia to UNESCO.

Neither memory nor story, this book is a testimony to rigor, coherence, a commitment to a passion for mathematics and to the State, Tunisia, thus offering readers a captivating story of his life.

Béchir Mahjoub takes us into the twists and turns of his journey, revealing the challenges he had to overcome and the sacrifices he made to follow his passion for mathematics. His fluid and lively writing transports us through the different stages of his life.

In his preface, Professor Mohamed Amara, former dean of the Faculty of Sciences of Tunis and founder of INSAT, paints the portrait of his young friend met in 1955 on the benches of the Khaznadar High School where they were both supervisors: “Béchir , adorned with his seriousness, focused on his goal of success, without falling into austerity, he wrote, quickly understood that knowledge was his path to ascension. Making mathematics his vocation, he forged his trajectory and achieved prestigious achievements, he who was destined to end his life in a sardine quarry in Mahdia.

Source: leaders

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