On Friday, outgoing Prime Minister Najib Mikati sponsored the launch of the Ministry of Agriculture’s Fisheries and Aquaculture Development Plan at the Grand Serail.

The ceremony took place in the presence of several outgoing ministers, including the Minister of Agriculture, Abbas Hajj Hassan, as well as a number of ambassadors, heads of diplomatic missions, international organizations and economic figures.

The Prime Minister recalled that Lebanon has always been renowned for its fishing ports, the first in the region. He also noted that the country’s wealth of fisheries is an essential economic resource, but that it requires appropriate care and planning.

Mr. Hajj Hassan indicated that this fish farming and marine and river fish development project aims to strengthen the fishing sector. He added that 45,000 families have been working without support for a long time. In addition, a study carried out in collaboration with the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and Turkish experts has confirmed the presence of 400 species of fish in Lebanese territorial waters, offering promising commercial potential. Lebanon currently imports 85% of its fish consumption, but Mr. Hajj Hassan believes that within two years the country could achieve a degree of self-sufficiency in this area. He also pointed out that the private sector was invited to invest, whether in river or marine fishing.

Source : Ici Beyrouth

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