Innovation constitutes one of the essential levers of the Coastal Plan 21 to support the transformation of the coastline over the decade 2017-2027. Since 2019, the State and the Occitanie Region have launched “Avenir Littoral”, the innovation accelerator of the Littoral Plan 21. Its ambition is to support the development of concrete and innovative solutions to the challenges of global warming, preservation of biodiversity and demographic pressure.

To continue the dynamic, the 6th edition is launched on April 8, 2024 with the support of the Pôle Mer Méditerranée and the Ad’Occ regional economic development agency, on the following themes:

Innovative solutions for the maintenance, preservation, restoration of marine and lagoon biodiversity and the deartificialization of lagoon and marine environments. This involves limiting the anthropogenic impact and climate change on biodiversity.
Innovative solutions to optimize water management in blue economy activities. The projects must ultimately aim to save water.
With a fund of 600,000 euros, “Avenir Littoral” is aimed at companies based in the Occitanie region or those, French or European, who wish to establish themselves there by developing lasting partnerships.

The expected innovative projects must be carried out by a company. They may be collaborative, organized in consortium (industrial, scientific, association) or solely as subcontractors, over a maximum period of 18 months.

Projects whose eligible base exceeds €300,000 may be directed towards the France 2030 schemes.

Source: agence-adocc

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