Ashraf Hammami, president of the local Union of Agriculture and Fisheries of Kélibia, made a speech on the Arab INDEPENDENT channel on the reality and prospects of fish stocks in Tunisia.

According to Achref Hammami, this would be due, among other things, to climate change in the Mediterranean in general, and Tunisia in particular. This crisis has meant that new types of fish have been on our coasts for some time. This has been detrimental to the fishing industry in Tunisia.

Point not to be overlooked regarding this issue: the latest research in this area dates from 2009. The Amilcar boat, a Chinese gift to Tunisia, is broken down. However, there are other ways to do this.

The crisis is also due to the failure to respect fishing seasons and biological rest in the Gulf of Gabès, considered the second largest incubator for fish quantities in the Mediterranean.

Source: l’économiste maghrebin

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