Since the start of the Nosy Manga project in 2022, which promotes aquaculture by protecting marine biodiversity, the Morombe district has benefited. A project carried out with USAID and the Ministry of Fisheries and the Blue Economy, Nosy Manga creates a model for the sustainable production of sea cucumbers and seaweed. The approach consists of reducing poverty by increasing income from fish and sea cucumber farming and also seaweed farming, by improving the health of marine ecosystems. Nearly ten thousand fishermen benefit from this model.

Two large aquaculture companies work in the region and are active in sea cucumber growing and seaweed farming. Other companies like Murex, Copefrito, MaproSud work in the collection of the region’s flagship products such as crabs, octopus and fish, taking advantage of the existence of resources evolving in a healthy ecosystem.

Furthermore, fish farming is required in the dams and irrigation canals of the Lower Mangoky plain. Descents were carried out by the Department of Fisheries and the Blue Economy in the municipalities along the RN55 between Bevoay and Morombe, namely Tanandava Station and Ambahikily. Further south, on the RN9, the commune of Antanimieva, belonging to the district of Morombe, is also encouraged to produce fish. Sixteen aquaculture ponds belonging to the infantry battalion will be rehabilitated and some 20 tonnes of products will be expected annually. A Fisheries and Blue Economy office will soon be installed in Morombe.

Source: L’Express

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