As part of the WestMED Initiative, the Moroccan focal point and the national hub organized the first high-level national dialogue on “The challenges of integrated governance and the roadmap for the implementation of the blue economy in Morocco” in Rabat, June 5, 2024.

Chaired by the Department of Maritime Fisheries, focal point of the WestMED Initiative, the event attracted more than 50 participants from the main national institutions focused on the maritime sector or interested in the blue economy.

Mr. Matteo Bocci (WestMed Initiative Support Mechanism Representative) and Mr. Leonardo Manzari (WestMED National Hub Italy) were also present and provided valuable information about the WestMED Initiative and the Blue Mediterranean Partnership in general, and in particular regarding maritime clusters, maritime transport and the newly created technical group for sustainable tourism which will be launched at the Sun&Blue congress in November 2024 (in Almería, Spain)

In its opening speech, the Department of Maritime Fisheries underlined Morocco’s commitment to the sustainable development of its maritime resources as well as its desire to play a leading role in the preservation and development of marine ecosystems, and thanked WestMED for making this event possible and enabling the debate. key issues for the future of the blue economy in Morocco, ranging from integrated institutional governance, the Energy-Salt Water-Green Hydrogen-Biodiversity Nexus, to the climate resilience of the national coastline and the fight against marine pollution , to approaches for a national blue tourism strategy.

One of the speakers was Paul Henri-Presset, Head of the Trade Section of the European Union Delegation in Rabat, who gave an overview of the relevant EU policy towards a sustainable blue economy in EU maritime basins.

The results of the day’s discussions will be used to contribute to the strategic orientations allowing the development of a coherent and ambitious national strategy.

The opening words also highlighted the Moroccan potential for the blue economy and the importance of collaboration was highlighted to maximize impacts in favor of a prosperous and sustainable blue economy.

Four sessions were organized with a focus on integrated institutional governance:

Energy, Seawater desalination
Green hydrogen and biodiversity nexus
the need for climate resilience of the national coastline and the fight against marine pollution
approaches for a national blue tourism strategy in Morocco
Each session was followed by very constructive discussions
Conclusions and Recommendations:

The governance of the blue economy in Morocco should be supported by a strong national mechanism responsible for co-designing and monitoring the implementation of the national blue economy strategy. This system should be supported at the territorial level by the deployment of regional coastal maritime clusters. The deployment of two pilot maritime clusters in the Tangier-Tetouan-Al Hoceima regions should contribute to this objective.

The Mediterranean Cluster Alliance is an opportunity for the coastal regions of Morocco to share their experiences and create networking and knowledge sharing links between peers.

It is proposed to organize a second high-level event dedicated to regional maritime clusters with the Association of Moroccan Regions which could be scheduled for October 2024.

Participants highlighted the need to strengthen the capacities of institutional and private actors in the different areas of the blue economy. They also wanted their reinforced representation in the thematic WGs of the WestMED initiative, particularly concerning green maritime transport, maritime spatial planning and sustainable tourism.

The Ministry of Economy and Finance stressed the need to map existing blue financing and their eligibility criteria, to share with public and private institutions and local authorities in Morocco.

Finally, in terms of research and innovation, the participants proposed the creation of a transversal national cluster on the issues and challenges of scientific knowledge of maritime and marine capital and new green technologies linked to the blue economy.

Source: moroccomail

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