Ocean Conference in Nice: construction of the future convention center, conference agenda, what you need to know

The countdown is on. Beyond the construction of the future Quai Infernet convention center, the agenda for a summit conference is taking shape.

« That’s alright, we are not running late… » The mayor of Nice tries to reassure. « We still shouldn’t waste time, » cautions Olivier Poivre d’Arvor, the president of the Republic’s special envoy in charge of the Ocean Summit. The schedule has indeed accelerated in recent days, even before the State clarified its roadmap through a letter sent to the city hall.

On July 13, a crucial milestone was reached in New York. The United Nations officially set the themes for this third Ocean Conference, which will be held in Nice from June 9 to 13, 2025. « Even though major international events will take place beforehand, » announces Olivier Poivre d’Arvor. These events include a scientific congress that will bring together 2,000 researchers in the French Riviera capital starting June 8, as well as a symposium for global maritime transport industry players, likely in Marseille, and the Blue Economy and Finance Forum, which will be held in Monaco starting June 7. Additionally, there will be more than 500 parallel events labeled and organized by states, businesses, and NGOs alongside this UN summit, which is expected to result in historic agreements to preserve the ocean — the Nice Accords.

The slab will be poured in October.

The city must, therefore, be ready for the event. And it will be, promises its mayor. Demolition work on the Infernet parking lot will begin « after the summer season to avoid imposing cranes and construction on the port’s restaurateurs, walkers, and fishermen. » The goal is to deliver the future conference center slab « in October. » Then, the development phase will begin. But first, « a project management contract will have to be awarded, » notes Olivier Poivre d’Arvor.

In the meantime, the United Nations should discover the plans for the future developments they have been requesting « for months » starting on Wednesday, August 7. This will initially be done via videoconference, in anticipation of the United Nations plenary session in New York in September, where a delegation from Nice is already scheduled to attend.

Source: Nice Matin

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