Longitude 181 fights for ocean rights, advocating for humans and non-humans to coexist in a preserved environment. « The Year of the Sea » begins this month until June 2025 with the United Nations conference, where solutions must be presented, accepted, and implemented for a sustainable future!

Join your energy with ours to amplify « The Voice of the Ocean »!

Literary Awards and Recognitions

Winner of the « Taste of Science 2024 » award, the most scientific of literary prizes, « Please Draw Me a Sperm Whale » by François Sarano and Pome Bernos, receives prestigious recognition from the Ministry of Higher Education and Research.

On May 18, the same book was also awarded the « People of the Sea and Fishing Companies 2024 » prize, presented at the Etonnants Voyageurs Festival in Saint-Malo, chaired by Isabelle Autissier, a renowned navigator.

On June 15, in Trieste, François Sarano received the Golden Trident from the International Academy of Underwater Sciences and Techniques! This prestigious award, known as « the Nobel Prize of underwater activities, » recognizes François for his extensive work in the marine world.

In the Press

On April 1, 2024, « Silence is Essential in the Marine World ». The 7th edition of the Monaco Ocean Week gathered international experts advocating for ocean protection. François Sarano discussed marine acoustic pollution, its devastating effects on cetaceans, and proposed solutions.

A Dancing Whale, How Graceful!

On May 14, 2024, a unique event occurred: a video by François Sarano and his team provided evidence of lactating babysitting among sperm whales! It took 127 videos and 7 years of observation to capture this incredible moment. Why babysitting? Because mothers must feed at depths of 1000 to 2000 meters, where their young cannot follow. Thus, babies and juveniles are cared for by other females in the clan, including lactating babysitters!*

Source: longitude181

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