Ten topics were selected as starting points for discussions at the next global meeting on ocean protection, scheduled for Nice in 2025. They were unanimously adopted at UN headquarters in New York in early July.

The ten points of debate are, in detail: promoting sustainable fisheries management, including support for small-scale fishermen; conserving, sustainably managing and restoring marine and coastal ecosystems, including deep-sea ecosystems; promoting and supporting all forms of cooperation, particularly at regional and subregional levels; preventing and significantly reducing marine pollution of all kinds, particularly from land-based activities; capitalizing on the links between oceans, climate and biodiversity; advancing sustainable ocean economies, sustainable maritime transport and the resilience of coastal communities, leaving no one behind ; promote the role of sustainable ocean food for poverty eradication and food security; increase scientific cooperation, knowledge, capacity building, marine technologies and education in the ocean to strengthen the science-policy interface for ocean health; improve the conservation and sustainable use of the oceans and their resources by implementing international law as reflected in UNCLOS; mobilize funding for ocean actions in support of SDG14 (Sustainable Development Goal 14).

Source: Le Marin

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