Tunisia’s annual quota of bluefin tuna is estimated at 3,000 tonnes, this was recently announced by Yassine Iskandarani, project manager at the Ministry of Agriculture, Hydraulic Resources and Fisheries.
And Iskandrani specified that during the past season, Tunisia exported nearly 3,897 tonnes of bluefin tuna, with a value of 167.3 million dinars and with an average export value of 43 dinars per kilogram.

3rd in technique
The mission manager further specified that Tunisian tuna intended for export is of high quality. In the same vein, he announced that Tunisia is ranked third after Spain and Malta, in terms of mastery of the technique of fattening high quality bluefin tuna, off the sea, which gives it gives high commercial value.

Individual quotas
For 2024, individual bluefin tuna fishing quotas have been estimated at 58,520 tonnes, underlines Iskandrani before specifying that 54 fishing units are involved in the bluefin tuna season.
The value of specific aid for biological rest dedicated to equipment manufacturers and fishermen is of the order of 16.5 million dinars, he indicated while noting the absence of an arrangement for the distribution of quotas. between fishing units. And this, in the event of a reduction or increase in the national quota (7.39%).

The official also recalled that the 2024 finance law (article 17) stipulates that the financing of the Biological Rest Fund in the fishing sector is ensured by resources coming from the annual national share of tuna fishing. red, with 40% reduction in profits for fishing units with tuna fishing licenses.

Source: Réalités

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