Publication of the 1st digital edition of the Mediterranean Journal of Biodiversity “The Tunisian Islands”.

The Association Tunisienne de la Vie Sauvage (ATVS) has just published the first digital edition of the Mediterranean Biodiversity Review, entitled “Les îles tunisiennes”.

This project, financed by the Mediterranean Small Islands Initiative (PIM) and the French Conservatoire de l’espace littoral et des rivages lacustres (CELRL) with the support of the Agence de Protection et d’Aménagement du Littoral (APAL), marks an important step in the conservation of Tunisian biodiversity, the association pointed out.

He adds that “this edition is intended to be a central point for disseminating and sharing information on biodiversity and island conservation in Tunisia. By bringing together scientific research, the work of actors governing these sanctuaries and data on island ecosystems, it will serve as an awareness-raising platform for the general public and a reference for researchers, NGOs and government bodies”.
This edition includes a preface entitled “The Tunisian islands as told by key people who have been working in these unique places for a long time”, and a bibliographic synthesis offering an in-depth analysis of the biodiversity, history, geography and geology of the Tunisian islands, as well as the conservation projects carried out by various players.
It also proposes a follow-up of the Co-management Projects underway in the future Marine and Coastal Protected Areas (MCPAs) of Galite, Zembra, Kuriat, Kneiss and Kerkennah. This follow-up, drawn up in collaboration with APAL, is entirely written by the co-managing NGOs: Méditerranée Action Nature, ASPEN Cap Bon, Notre Grand Bleu, Acg Generations, and the Association Kraten du Développement Durable, de la Culture et des Loisirs.
The publication also includes a space dedicated to naturalist notes, reporting the latest discoveries on the biodiversity of the Tunisian islands, and an exhaustive checklist of over 4,700 mentions of species on these islands.

Source : African Manager

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