The world’s oceans are the theater of strategic rivalries where the most powerful navies are deployed. But which fleets will dominate the seas and oceans in 2024?


The major world powers are investing massively in their war fleets to protect their strategic interests and secure sea lanes.
The world ranking of naval powers in 2024 highlights the United States, China, Russia, Japan, India, France, the United Kingdom, Indonesia and South Korea.
These nations stand out for their advanced technology, power projection capability and strategic presence, shaping the naval technological innovations of tomorrow.
Maritime power is a crucial issue for major world powers, which invest massively in their war fleets to protect their strategic interests and secure sea lanes.

Based on criteria such as fleet size, technology, power projection capacity and military spending, here is the world ranking of naval powers in 2024, as mentioned by our colleagues from Journal du Dimanche.


At the top of the ranking is undoubtedly the United States, which operates the largest fleet of aircraft carriers in the world, equipped with cutting-edge technologies and advanced defense systems.

Their fleet of nuclear-powered submarines is also the largest and most advanced, giving them unparalleled deterrence and power projection capability. Massive investments in research and development give them a significant technological advantage over their competitors.


In the midst of its naval expansion, China is strengthening its navy with advanced anti-access and area denial capabilities. China has significantly strengthened its navy in recent years, investing heavily in new surface ships, submarines, and anti-access and area denial (A2/AD) capabilities.

With its strategic naval bases in the South China Sea, it challenges the naval supremacy of the United States in the Indo-Pacific region.


Russia is continuing its program to modernize its naval fleet, emphasizing its submarine capabilities and its presence in strategic areas such as the Arctic.

According to the Russian leader’s statements, eight new nuclear submarines of different categories are currently under construction at Russia’s shipbuilding facilities.


Japan recently increased its defense budget to build new warships, including destroyers equipped with the Aegis missile defense system and Soryu-class diesel-electric submarines, which provide advanced defense and maritime surveillance.


India, competing with China for naval supremacy, has developed a fleet including Arihant-class nuclear submarines and the aircraft carrier INS Vikramaditya, thereby strengthening its strategic deterrence and ability to protect its maritime interests in the ‘Indian Ocean.

Also among the most powerful navies in the world:

France and United Kingdom

France and the United Kingdom maintain robust naval fleets despite different challenges. The only one with the United States to possess a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, France maintains a robust nuclear deterrent force. France stands out in particular for its missile-launching nuclear submarines and its Charles de Gaulle aircraft carrier.

The UK, although facing recruitment difficulties, is investing in new aircraft carriers and Astute-class submarines, which remain among the most advanced in the world in terms of deterrence and precise strike capabilities.

Indonesia and South Korea: a rise in power

Indonesia and South Korea are experiencing significant maritime growth. Indonesia has a diverse fleet, including submarines, frigates and patrol ships.

South Korea, without aircraft carriers, has a balanced and well-equipped navy for defense and deterrence, with a large fleet including submarines, destroyers and patrol ships.

Through their advanced technology, power projection capability and strategic presence, these marine fleets continue to shape the naval technological innovations of tomorrow.

Source: science-et-vie

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