In anticipation of two national conferences planned at the Cité des sciences in Tunis, on April 17 and 25, 2024, dedicated respectively to the blue economy and food waste, the Racines et Développement Durable (RDD) association organized, on Thursday, February 29, 2024, in Tunis, training for around thirty journalists on these two themes.

This training is organized in partnership with the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) and the Ministry of the Environment, as part of the “SwitchMed” project, a national dialogue project around the blue economy and food waste. .

The RDD considers that journalists specializing in the field of the environment and sustainable development in general are privileged partners in this project.

The themes of sustainable consumption and production patterns, the circular economy, possible implications in promoting the blue economy and the fight against food waste were presented and discussed with experts during this training.

Source: webmanagercenter

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