Somone (Mbour), June 26 (APS) – The Minister of Fisheries, Maritime Infrastructure, and Ports, Fatou Diouf, is anticipating an improvement in the attractiveness of Senegal’s maritime sector following the signing of the collective agreement for the Merchant Navy and the one governing the offshore sector on Tuesday in Somone (west).

The collective agreement for the Merchant Navy sets the employment conditions for seafarers or marine personnel employed on ships or offshore units operating in offshore oil and gas activities in Senegal.

« This fills a legal void in a new oil and gas sector. It contributes to the attractiveness of Senegal’s maritime sector by providing a legal compliance instrument, » said Fatou Diouf during a workshop for the validation and signing of the draft collective agreement.

In addition to being expected to contribute to calming the social climate of the sector, the signed protocols serve as an « advocacy tool to inspire young people, » stated the Minister of Fisheries, Maritime Infrastructure, and Ports.

« The collective agreements we have just signed undoubtedly contribute to the promotion of decent work, » she noted.

« The offshore collective agreement is particularly important as it ensures compliance with the provisions of the 2006 Maritime Labour Convention of the ILO, which our country has ratified, » emphasized Fatou Diouf.

She noted that the second collective agreement, which sets the employment conditions for officers and sailors of the Merchant Navy in the fishing section, « is also highly valuable. »

Massamba Achille Edouard Guèye, Director General of the National Maritime Agency (ANAM), reported that this draft collective agreement took several points into account.

He cited points regarding general provisions, respect for fundamental labor rights, and the maritime engagement contract (employment and working conditions).

Mr. Guèye also mentioned remuneration and benefits, various provisions, job classification, and salary scales.

Source: APS

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